SSG Pillar

Security Sector Governance Pillar

The Security Sector Governance (SSG) Pillar efforts are focused on enabling an efficient transfer of relevant knowledge and exchange of good practices in addressing the SSG thus serving as a platform for sustainable, long-term and integrated support to SSG efforts within the SEE region and beyond.

The SEE region has faced and is still facing many challenges in the SSG, which necessitates the development of new approaches to the modernization and transformation of the security sector for the benefit of the region.

Regional cooperation on security sector governance and reform is recognized as one of the key mechanisms for enhancing the corresponding national efforts. That’s why the Pillar continues to fulfil its primary role in facilitating regional cooperation to its best capacities by promoting regional ownership as a key driving principle.

The security context of the SEE region is also increasingly marked by considerable multilateral co-operation on current security issues as well as by efforts put in addressing common and new security threats.

The scope of activities of this specific programme domain is characterized by the adaptation of security sector governance solutions to changing security challenges and needs of the countries from the region.

Currently SSG Pillar is focused on promotion of different aspects and principles of a democratic and accountable security sector in the fields of:

  • Democratic Oversight
  • Politico-Military Aspects of Security
  • Civilian Crisis Management
  • Human Rights/Gender Perspective
  • Strategic Communication
  • Border Security and Management
  • Building Integrity and Fighting Corruption.


HR, Activity Manager


HR, Activity Manager