2nd Meeting of the Working Group for drafting the New Strategy and its Action Plan 2021-2026
Chemical Weapons Convention Workshop
Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control (Dayton Article IV) - Orientation Course
43rd MAG Meeting
Civilian Crisis Management Capabilities Development Workshop
Effective response to global threats in the area of non-proliferation of WMD (UNSCR 1540)
Annual Meeting of the Representatives from Defense and Security Committees from SEE Parliaments
On-line Arms Control Symposium "Current Issues in Arms Control and Nuclear Non-proliferation
Gender Training of the Trainers Course (GToT)
Energy Security Seminar
Floods Prevention and Protection Workshop and Field Study
CSDP Orientation Course
44th MAG Meeting -ON-LINE
Human Resource Management – Role of Human Resource Management During and After COVID-19 Pandemic -ON-LINE
"Conference on the 20th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security – from Expectations to Reality”-ON-LINE
Open Skies Treaty (OST) Aerial Observation Course - theoretical part -ON-LINE
Open Skies Treaty (OST) Aerial Observation Course - practical part
Deradicalization and Resocialization of Foreign Terrorist Fighters in the Western Balkans – Case Studies -ON-LINE
Conference on Conventional Arms Control in Europe with focus on Sub regional Arms Control Agreement -ON-LINE
NATO European Security Challenges and their implication on SEE Region-ON-LINE
Physical Security and Stockpile Management Seminar “Current PSSM Issues and Ammunition Management in Nutshell” - ON-LINE
Cyber Security Workshop/Course