Operations Manager
Operations Manager is responsible for:
- the coordination and control of basic staff work and the flow of information within RACVIAC;
- coordination with the RACVIAC Pillars and Planning and Liaison regarding the planning and implementation of RACVIAC activities;
- the Human resources management and personnel administration of international staff.
Planning and Liaison Officers
Planning & Liaison officers are responsible for:
- Collation and evaluation of information regarding the political and governmental systems of the SEE region;
- Liaison with international and regional governmental and non-governmental organizations and initiatives (NATO, OSCE, EU, UN, UNDP, OPCW, GCSP, DCAF, etc;
- Planning of future RACVIAC activities, and the Analysis of the results and conclusions of all RACVIAC activities.
Public Affairs & RACVIAC / MAG Secretariat
Public Affairs is responsible for raising the visibility of RACVIAC among OSCE countries and within the region, by increasing public knowledge and by promoting public understanding of RACVIAC’s mission, its roles and capabilities.
RACVIAC/MAG Secretariat is responsible for the preparation, organisation, correspondence and minutes of all RACVIAC activities and MAG meetings.