Countering Transnational Security Threats Pillar
Countering Transnational Security Threats (CTST) Pillar deals with regional security cooperation, European and Euro-Atlantic integrations and emerging security challenges.
The clear European and Euro-Atlantic orientation of Southeast Europe is the best way to achieve lasting peace and stability, as well as social and economic development in SEE. In the last ten years, the CTST Pillar has carried out a significant number of activities related to Euro-Atlantic Integration and guided by the needs of the SEE region, as this process includes and supports the SEE countries’ membership aspiration.
The close regional, and wider cooperation, among SEE countries, through dialogue and various forms of cooperation, is a strong response to today’s security challenges and leads to the building of confidence and trust among the countries.
In the era of globalization and technological innovation the world is likely to be far more complex and subject to rapid and unpredictable changes. Therefore, the EU is obviously facing an increasing number of security issues and threats. They must be considered much more seriously than ever before. Responses to future security threats and challenges must be based on the acknowledgment and understanding of this reality.
This suggests the need to view problems in a larger, wider context, and to consider a variety of approaches to problem solving. It also imposes the need for security organizations and institutions such as RACVIAC, having capabilities that are tailored to cope with the reality of rapid change and its consequences.
The CTST Pillar, in cooperation with other international and regional organizations, is directing its activities towards preparing countries in the SEE region to overcome the emerging security threats and challenges. The main focus of CTST pillar is on the project-oriented activities, such as cyber security, countering organized crime and terrorism, crisis and disaster management, energy and environmental security, EU CSDP and all those that are relevant for the security environment in SEE.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence. (In accordance with Arrangements regarding regional representation and cooperation.)