

The composition, tasks, responsibilities and procedures of the MAG and its financing are specified by Terms of Reference (TOR). The Members and the Associate Members participate on an equal footing in the discussions of the MAG, which takes its decisions on the basis of consensus of Members only.

The Chairperson of the MAG is elected by the MAG Members for a period of a year.

As of October 2024 the Republic of Albania is chairing the MAG. Currently, Ambassador Ardiana Hobdari, Director of the Directorate of International Organizations in the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, holds the position of MAG Chairperson.

The MAG meets twice a year. The Spring Meeting is usually held in one of the Member countries.

Regional ownership

Tailored for the needs of the region, situated in the region and comprised mainly of personnel from the countries of the region, RACVIAC perfectly embodies the epxression „Regional ownership“

  • In the region (SEE) – for the Region (SEECP)
  • Chairman of the MAG from the Region
  • Led by a Director – since 2007 a Civilian Diplomat – from the Region
  • Deputy Director / Chief of Staff always from the Host Nation
  • Operating part of the budget raised by the Region

Staff predominantly  from the Region

Legal status

The current legal basis of RACVIAC is the Agreement on RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation, signed on 14th April 2010 in Budva, Montenegro, by 8 SEECP Countries, with Romania following suit on 18 February 2011. At this moment, the Agreement has been ratified by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. This marked the end of the transformation process of the Centre, started in 2007, whereby RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation became legally and formally a very unique international organization promoting enhanced regional security and cooperation through the concept of regional ownership.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence. (In accordance with Arrangements regarding regional representation and cooperation.)