RACVIAC hosted today the United States Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) representatives headed by Mr David Musgrave, On-Site Inspection and Building Capacity Director.
They were warmly welcomed by RACVIAC Management, MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, Director and MG Slaven Zdilar, Deputy Director who were their hosts during this visit to RACVIAC. The DTRA delegation was briefed on RACVIAC history, its work, Programme for 2023 and plans for enhancing cooperation in the upcoming period. Since the founding of RACVIAC, USA has been constantly involved in the Centre’s work and it has been an Observer since 2003. DTRA is a sponsor and partner in a number of C-WMD activities as well as CTST Pillar activities connected to the cyber domain and the Arms Control area (CSE Pillar).
During the meeting it was emphasized that RACVIAC is interested in the continuation of the joint efforts in the years to come, especially regarding the four established C-WMD projects and conclusion of the work with regard to the development and testing of national WMD Counter Proliferation Strategies.
Additionally, it was said that RACVIAC is ready to continue supporting in every way (f.e., via networking, regional SMEs) PSI activities that are being organized in the SEE countries and neighbouring regions.
Mr Musgrave thanked RACVIAC for its hospitality and stressed the importance of the C-WMD Network, especially its uniqueness because it gathers 10 countries willing to work together in a transparent and open manner on various topics concerning C-WMDs. He underlined that given the current state of affairs in the arms control domain, DTRA will be looking for a more broader way of addressing arms control topics (the cyber domain, artificial intelligence, weapons in space, etc.).
Mr Musgrave added that DTRA will continue to support RACVIAC efforts in promoting security cooperation and dialogue in the region and that it will support it in advertising this successful model in other regions too.