The “Vienna Document 2011 – Compliance and Verification (VD) Course”, organized by RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation in cooperation with and hosted by the Hungarian Defence Forces Command, started today in Budapest, Hungary.
The purpose of this Course is to provide participants with a theoretical overview of the Vienna Document 2011 (VD ’11) offering a comprehensive analysis of both the theoretical and practical level of the implementation of these activities.
The Course is designed as a combination of theoretical lectures planned to be conducted in Hungary and practical activities to be carried out in Hungarian military units. The invited lecturers/experts will cover a wide range of topics till the end of this week, giving a comprehensive and detailed overview of the relevant parts of the VD ’11. The practical part should provide an excellent opportunity for the participants to gain experience in carrying out the formation/unit commanders’ duties as well in receiving a VD ’11 inspection or evaluation visit.
The activity was opened by MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, RACVIAC Director, who underlined: „Our respected lecturers come from several different countries and some of them have never been involved in a RACVIAC activity before. I would like to take the opportunity to express our gratitude to Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Kazakhstan for providing support to our joint activity and also to the speakers for undertaking the challenge. I am convinced that their sound knowledge and experience are a guarantee that the quality of this Course will be at an auspicious level pledging its success.” He also expressed utmost gratitude to Hungary for hosting and co-organising the Course on behalf of the whole RACVIAC family as well as to Germany and Croatia for the provision of financial support.
RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation has been organizing VD courses for the countries of the South East European region since 2001. In addition to providing our participants with the opportunity to gain solid theoretical knowledge the added value of this Course is that participants will be able to familiarise themselves with the realities of the Vienna Document activities since during the second half of the Course a visit will be conducted to the Hungarian Defence Forces’ 59th “Szentgyörgyi Dezső Airbase” in Kecskemét where evaluation training will take place.