The Workshop “New Technologies in Civil Protection – Robotic System Against Modern CBRN Threats” ends

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  • The Workshop “New Technologies in Civil Protection – Robotic System Against Modern CBRN Threats” ends

On Friday, 25th November 2022 the practical part of the Workshop “NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN CIVIL PROTECTION – ROBOTIC SYSTEM AGAINST MODERN CBRN THREATS” was held on Civil Protection Logistic Center premises in Jastrebarsko. The Workshop was co-organized by RACVIAC and the Civil Protection Directorate.

This Field Technical demonstration of Remotely Controlled Systems included a simulation of a situation where the first response team members’ intervention is being prevented (firefighting units and civil defence units) due to extreme conditions (open fire, explosions, fragmentation, building collapsing, high concentration of TIC and low concentration of oxygen).

The scenario included the introduction of a remote controlled multi-purpose vehicle, MVF-5, and demonstration of all of its practical capabilities: removal and negotiation of obstacles, surveillance and supervision, fire extinguishing and dispersion of the dangerous substance cloud, separation by removal of material goods from the danger zone.

“Today we saw a demonstration of the ability of our machines in extreme conditions to avoid human casualties. It is important to emphasize that after this, the upgrading of machines will begin, which will be even better adapted for decontamination and be multifunctional”, said Mladen Vinković, commander of the State Civil Protection Intervention Unit. He added that 6 more robots will be acquired as a part of the project, which would expand their ability to operate on a radius of about 1,000 km, and in this way help could be provided to any country in Europe.

After the practical part RACVIAC Director MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo thanked the Civil Protection Directorate and Director Trut and praised the demonstration. He emphasized that the participants were enjoying themselves and that they were actively engaged in different tasks, that they were curious and constantly asking questions. Based on his comments it can be concluded that the goal of the Workshop, exchanging and sharing of knowledge and expertise, was achieved.