Review Conference held on the topic of “Legislative framework, current situation and plans of BA institutions in the field of defense and security”

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  • Review Conference held on the topic of “Legislative framework, current situation and plans of BA institutions in the field of defense and security”

RACVIAC representatives, LTC Marinko Romić and LTC Nikola Suhić, participated in the Conference “Legislative framework, present status and plans of the BA institutions in the field of defense and security which was held in Sarajevo in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the support of the OSCE Mission in BA on 8 June 2023.

Opening the Conference the chairman of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of BA, Jasmin Imamović, in his speech pointed out that the goal of holding the Conference is to directly inform the members of the Joint Commission in a conversation with representatives of institutions from the defense and security sector about issues that are within the competence of the Commission.

The Head of the Department for Security Cooperation of the OSCE Mission to BA, Dr. Susan E. Penksa, addressed the participants of the Review Conference, who assessed that today’s event represents an excellent forum for building trust, exchanging information and encouraging dialogue. Mrs. Penksa introduced the Conference participants to the various support projects implemented by the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the defense and security sectors, and announced the Mission’s readiness to continue providing support to the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the process of updating and modernizing the “Security Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina” document.

In addition to the members of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of BA the Parliamentary Military Commissioner of BA, and representatives of the OSCE Mission to BA, the Review Conference was attended, in addition to RACVIAC, by representatives of NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo, EUFOR, UNDP BA, the Center for Security Sector Management – DCAF Geneva, the Center for European Security Studies from Groningen and Sarajevo, and the European Defense Center from Banja Luka, who attended as guests. The conclusions from the Review Conference will be systematized and considered during the next sessions of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of BA, and offered to the Houses of Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina for their comments.