RACVIAC representatives participated in the policy forum “Tackling State Capture in SEE”

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  • RACVIAC representatives participated in the policy forum “Tackling State Capture in SEE”

RACVIAC representatives from SSG Pillar, Ms Zrinka Smeh Martinović and LTC Nikola Suhić participated in the policy forum “Tackling State Capture in SEE” held in Hotel Golden Tulip Zira, Belgrade, RS on 25th January 2023.

The participants in the Forum were representatives of different governmental and nongovernmental organizations acting in the Republic of Serbia and the region, members of the academia and other interested individuals.

RACVIAC participation in the Forum was a great opportunity for its representatives to extend the network of potential partners in RACVIAC efforts to foster regional cooperation. RACVIAC flag was also showcased among those of other regional and International organizations.