RACVIAC representatives Zrinka Smeh Martinović, Activity Manager in SSG Pillar and Jasmina Vrgoč, Public Affairs Officer attended a 2-day Military Experts Meeting on Gender/Female Leaders in Security and Defence (FLSD) International Conference “Defence and National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions: where we are and future commitments”, organized by the Italian Defence General Staff, Rome.
The Meeting was organized under the auspices of the SEDM project “Female Leaders in Security and Defense” (FLSD) and it was held in a VTC format.
The event strove to be an occasion for SEDM Member States and International organizations to get an overall picture and share their status quo regarding the activities related to the Women, Peace and Security agenda, National Action Plan on WPS, Policy on Equal Opportunity and CIMIC activities.
On the said occasion the nations that shared their own status quo did so regarding the implementation of the gender perspective into their own defence systems as well as National Action Plans on WPS and/or National Policy on Equal Opportunity and National CIMIC activities. The objective was to prepare common ground that would focus on future challenges and RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation was honored to be invited to participate in this activity.
This was the second year in a row that RACVIAC is participating in this activity, but certainly not the last because there is a lot to be said about gender, considering that RACVIAC GTOT Course is in the Programme for next year as well.