RACVIAC representative attends the NATO Committee of Gender Perspectives (NCGP) 2024 Annual Conference, NATO HQ, Brussels

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  • RACVIAC representative attends the NATO Committee of Gender Perspectives (NCGP) 2024 Annual Conference, NATO HQ, Brussels

RACVIAC Representative, Zrinka Smeh Martinović, Activity Manager in Security Sector Governance Pillar, attended the NATO Committee of Gender Perspectives (NCGP) 2024 Annual Conference on 6-8 May 2024 on NATO HQ premises in Brussels. The title of this year’s conference is “Military Planning and Partnerships: A New Era of Gender Perspective at NATO”.  The Conference addresses how the military can effectively apply a gender lens to the evolving security environment and set the stage for the future of Women, Peace and Security.

The NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives (NCGP) is a consultative body that promotes gender mainstreaming and the integration of gender perspectives by assessing the implications of every proposed action for women, men, girls and boys. NCGP is also responsible for integrating the Gender Perspective into military work strands and structures and it serves as an advisory body to the NATO Military Committee (MC) on gender-related policy for the Alliance’s armed forces.

The NCGP Annual Conference consisted of two parts: (1) A general information session with invited key note speakers (Open Conference) and (2) a working session that culminates in recommendations to the MC related to the NCGP’s Programme of Work.

RACVIAC Representative had an opportunity to hold a presentation on “10 years of Gender Training of the Trainers Course” during day 2. In her address she mentioned that since 2014 RACVIAC has been regularly conducting the „Gender Training of the Trainers Course (GToT)” together with the Croatian Armed Forces as a partner and under the supervision of the Nordic Center for Gender in Military Operations (main NATO body for gender in military operations). This particular activity is a result of RACVIAC efforts in the field of gender training which has positioned RACVIAC as a regional hub for gender mainstreaming/training. Furthermore, she mentioned that RACVIAC Mobile Training Team conducted the first “GToT Course” for the Portuguese Armed Forces in Lisbon in October 2019 upon the request of the Portuguese Armed Forces General Staff. This was the first time in RACVIAC history that one MTT was sent to provide training to some other organization/institution. It was an excellent example of high level of cooperation and support achieved between RACVIAC and its Members States in utilizing mutual resources, capacities and knowledge in order to train, coach and mentor other institutions or organizations. In addition, this year in February 2024, upon NATO’s request, RACVIAC organized the “GToT Course” for members of the Jordanian Armed Forces. The Course was supported by RACVIAC Members who provided gender trainers and, hence, once more confirmed the regionally-owned aspect of RACVIAC. Based on the evaluation of the survey, instructors’ feedback, and formative and summative assessment of the participating students the objectives of the GTOT Course for students from Jordan were achieved. All 12 students succeeded in their final exam thus confirming their professionalism and qualities as new gender instructors.

Through mentioned GToT Courses RACVIAC Members have developed a network of more than 200 gender instructors in the SEE region.

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