RACVIAC C-WMD Network’s „Romanian National WMD Strategy Tabletop Exercise“ starts in Bucharest

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  • RACVIAC C-WMD Network’s „Romanian National WMD Strategy Tabletop Exercise“ starts in Bucharest

RACVIAC C-WMD Network, in cooperation with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and U.S. European Command (EUCOM), is organizing the Romanian national TTX in Bucharest from 7th to 9th June 2022.

The aim of this TTX, dubbed “STRONGHOLD 2022”, is to evaluate and validate the efficacy of the Romanian CWMD Strategy and its constituent components. The TTX assumes that a variety of proliferation-related activities are taking place, the majority of which involve adversaries using Romania as a so-called ‘transit’ country.  The range of fictitious scenario activities will also seek to reflect the scope and nature of the strategy’s threat and risk assessment.

Mr Adrian Duta, Vice President of the Euro-Atlantic Centre for Resilience, in his Opening address emphasized: “I feel it is mandatory to mention that the concept of resilience is mentioned or explained in the National Defense Strategy no less than 35 times. This means that the importance of the resilience concept is more than a written text; it is exactly what you will achieve together in this exercise: action and reaction in case of a major crisis.” He also congratulated the international partners that have provided support for this effort, RACVIAC, US EUCOM and DTRA, confirming once again that there are no boundaries when it comes to cooperation, interoperability and efficiency.

This activity has gathered more than 40 participants from 18 relevant institutions in Romania.