RACVIAC and University of Split signed a Memorandum of Understanding

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  • RACVIAC and University of Split signed a Memorandum of Understanding

RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation and the University Department of Forensic Sciences of the University of Split are convinced that their activities are complementary and, therefore, have decided to strengthen their co-operation by entering into a MOU.

On the part of RACVIAC the MoU was signed by Director, MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, on the part of University Department of Forensic Sciences the MoU was signed by Mr Damir Piplica, Associate Professor, PhD, Head of the University Department of Forensic Sciences, and on the part of University of Split by the dean, Professor Dragan Ljutić, PhD.

RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation and the Department of Forensics of the University of Splitare are developing a five-year project titled “Improving security management through the implementation of forensic sciences in state institutions and agencies”.

The purpose and goals of the project will be realized through five activities for the duration of the project. In that respect the topics to be covered will cover aspects of forensics including firefighting, money laundering, and artificial intelligence. The purpose of these activities is to improve the forensic capabilities of member countries with the aim of developing a common platform for forensic cooperation.

In addition to the abovementioned RACVIAC will become a teaching base of the University of Split and student practice will be a valuable contribution to the joint project.