Memorandum of Understanding signed between RACVIAC – Center for Security Cooperation and Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center

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  • Memorandum of Understanding signed between RACVIAC – Center for Security Cooperation and Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center

RACVIAC – Center for Security Cooperation and the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center (E-ARC) have formally entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance collaboration in the fields of security, resilience, and emerging technologies. The signing ceremony took place today in Bucharest, Romania with Ambassador Constantin-Mihail Grigorie, Director of RACVIAC, and Ovidiu Raețchi, President of E-ARC, representing their respective organizations.

E-ARC, established under Romanian administrative law, serves as a centre of excellence based in Bucharest, Romania, oriented towards serving the research and analysis objectives of the EU and NATO members as well as their partners. It offers expertise across several domains, including societal resilience, emerging technologies, resilience of communication systems and of novel technological ecosystems, resilience to crises and complex emergencies, resilience to ensure continuity of government and critical services, resilience of transport infrastructure and resilience of relevant partner countries.

The MoU follows extensive discussions and a recent visit by E-ARC representatives to RACVIAC, recognizing mutual interests in resilience and security cooperation. The agreement outlines a framework for cooperation that includes the exchange of experts, joint research projects, publication sharing and collaborative events such as seminars and conferences.

The MoU aims to facilitate the exchange of experts, speakers, and lecturers, collaboration on joint projects and research, exchange of publications and the execution of joint seminars, conferences, and similar events. The areas of mutual interest identified include resilience and emerging and disruptive technologies such as cyber and data security, counterproliferation including financing and AML, countering disinformation and biological, chemical, and nuclear security.

As a direct result of this Memorandum RACVIAC will launch its new flagship event, the Conference “Resilience and Protection of Critical Infrastructure” in cooperation with E-ARC, the University of Zagreb, and the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global Europe) with whom we recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Conference is scheduled to take place in April next year in Zagreb, Croatia and will focus on enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure in the region.

This Memorandum of Understanding signifies a commitment to mutual cooperation and strengthening of regional security and resilience. Both organizations will continue to develop this partnership with the aim of achieving their common goals and contributing to the stability and security of the South East European (SEE) region.