Meeting of the MAG PoC (Multinational Advisory Group Point of Contacts) kicked off in RACVIAC today

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  • Meeting of the MAG PoC (Multinational Advisory Group Point of Contacts) kicked off in RACVIAC today

Today the MAG POCs (Multinational Advisory Group Point of Contacts) Meeting was held in RACVIAC. The aim of this event was to discuss the activities and topics RACVIAC proposed to cover during the year 2023 and to get POCs’ opinions on any possible new topics to be incorporated into Programme 2023.

Session one was dedicated to RACVIAC Questionnaire 2023 where the overview of the activities and topics we propose to cover during the year 2023 was presented. This session, questions and answers included, aimed to provide information about the possible topics or activities to be conducted in the years to come in RACVIAC Pillars.

Session two concerned future RACVIAC Projects. During the 47th MAG Meeting MAG approved three RACVIAC future projects, namely: “Advancing Regional Nuclear Security in SEE”, “Strengthening SEE Resilience in Cyber Security Against Hybrid Threats” and “Improvement of Security Governance by Implementation of Forensic Science into State Institutions and Agencies” to be further developed and incorporated into RACVIAC future Programmes which will be the autumn MAG Meeting topics for MAG adoption. This session aimed to provide detailed information about the current status of the projects and the way ahead.

The goal of the third session were questions, answers and suggestions for improvement. The aim was to discuss the proposed activities and topics and to get MAG POCs’ opinions on any possible new topics to be incorporated into Programme 2023 and future Projects. During this session opinions and suggestions on how to improve RACVIAC work were made.  

The Meeting was closed with the wrap-up. The active engagement of the participants deserves every praise and will help in the implementation of national views and interests regarding our future activities.