MAG POCs (Multinational Advisory Group Point of Contacts) Meeting was held in RACVIAC on 25 May 2023. The purpose of the Meeting was to discuss and coordinate details related to the evaluations and inputs from RACVIAC Members and partner organizations regarding the proposed draft of RACVIAC Questionnaire 2024-2025. The Questionnaire details the activities proposed to be conducted in the year to come. It is important to actively involve all RACVIAC Members, Associate Members, Observers and Partners in this very important process of programming, work in an open – minded atmosphere, share opinions/experiences freely and to facilitate the future cooperation process before the following MAG Autumn Meeting.
RACVIAC developed a way to appropriately and efficiently communicate the project plans to everyone involved, communicating these plans and goals to the greater team – including all key members, stakeholders and external parties.
RACVIAC develops the Annual Programming Document in close cooperation with the MAGs and the national authorities through a consultation process. This Document sets out the priority activities for implementation in SEE in 2023 identified during the annual programming cycle.
Opening the Meeting RACVIAC Director Ambassador Constantin-Mihail Grigorie welcomed the representatives from Members and Associate Members saying that the Centre greatly appreciates their outstanding support and cooperation, strong commitment and readiness to support, cooperate and give active contribution in creating RACVIAC Programme. He underlined that RACVIAC puts a lot of effort into adapting to the situation and that RACVIAC Programme will undergo a consultation process with the MAGs and the national authorities as much as possible.
The Meeting continued with the presentation by Planning and Liaison Officer for South East Europe LTC Arta Driza on RACVIAC Annual Programming process, “Setting the Scene”, a key document that frames the annual development of RACVIAC Programme and defines the main priority areas on which the Organization will focus in the forthcoming period.
RACVIAC Programme Manager for CSE Pillar, COL Deniz Öztürk, Programme Leader for C-WMD Network, Mr Josip Mandić, Programme Manager for CTST Pillar, Ms Biserka Petrovska, and Programme Manager for SSG Pillar, COL Dimitrios Biris presented information on the draft Programme 2024 as well as some additional proposals and remarks received via the Questionnaire regarding specific requests and aspects of participation by RACVIAC respective Members, Associate Members and partners. Their presentations generated a vibrant discussion among the POCs.
In addition, some details regarding Programme support were clarified during the Meeting, resulting in a more precise and concrete draft Programme 2024-2025 that will be presented for approval at the MAG Meeting in October 2023.
The Meeting was closed with the Wrap-up. The active engagement of the participants will help in the development and implementation of national views and interests regarding our future activities. In sum, the Meeting with our dedicated group of POCs served the purpose of discussing the challenges and setting out the framework for the Programming period 2024-2025.