Konrad Adenauer Foundation Delagation paid a visit to RACVIAC

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  • Konrad Adenauer Foundation Delagation paid a visit to RACVIAC

A Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) delegation, led by Alexander Beribes, Head of the KAS Berlin Directorate for the Western Balkans and Southeast Europe visited RACVIAC on 24th October 2023. Mr Beribes was accompanied by Mr Holger Haibach, Head of the KAS office in Croatia and Slovenia, and Anita Šakić, Project Manager at KAS office in Croatia and Slovenia.

Their hosts were RACVIAC Director, H.E. Ambassador Constantin Mihail Grigorie, Deputy Director RADM Predrag Stipanović and LTC Nikola Suhić, Activity Manager in RACVIAC SSG Pillar.

The delegation was presented with RACVIAC mission, history and ongoing projects, emphasizing the pivotal role it plays in promoting security and stability in the region. The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the deep-rooted cooperation between KAS and RACVIAC, recognizing the foundation’s key role as one of RACVIAC longest and respected partners. Our upcoming activity, RACVIAC flagship event “Conference on Security Challenges for Europe,” organized by RACVIAC with the support of KAS, is an excellent example of the successful collaboration.

One of the standout aspects of the meeting was the consensus among RACVIAC Members, Associate Members, and Observers, and it was praised as it continues to flourish despite differences among countries. This harmonious working environment, where all parties come together for a common goal, is a rarity in today’s international landscape and precisely what reflects the success of RACVIAC mission.

Both RACVIAC and KAS expressed their satisfaction with their existing cooperation and shared a similar vision for the future direction of their partnership. KAS confirmed its involvement in the “Building Integrity” initiative in Security Sector Governance (SSG) Pillar, scheduled for next year.

KAS representatives proposed that in spring 2024, during the official visit of the RACVIAC delegation to Germany, a working meeting be held in KAS.

This visit of the KAS delegation reaffirmed the strong bond between the two organizations and their dedication to the common goal of promoting security, stability, and cooperation in the region.