”International Joint Bio-terrorism Investigations Course” held in RACVIAC

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  • ”International Joint Bio-terrorism Investigations Course” held in RACVIAC

The ”International Joint Bio-terrorism Investigations Course” drew to a close on friday in RACVIAC.

This Course was organized with the support of the Defense Threat Agency (DTRA) from the USA. The Course was conducted in person from 23 to 27 May 2022.

The Course finished with the Wrap-up and filling in of the Course Survey in order to check the student’s level of fulfilment of their expectations regarding the Course and possible future elimination of deficiencies, if any.

MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, RACVIAC Director, attended the Closing ceremony and delivered the certificates. He thanked the participants for a job well done during the past 5 days and stressed that he hopes they will bring back only knowledge and fond memories of RACVIAC to their home countries. He also thanked the co-organizers for their cooperation and added that he looks forward to meeting them again during another event soon.

Mr Keith Falcetti from the US Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) pointed out that the Course was conducted exactly as it was conceived and thanked the team of instructors and participants who with their engagement greatly contributed to achieving the main goal of the Course. The knowledge gained by the participants will certainly be something they will be able to use in their daily work with the aim of deterring potential perpetrators in their intention to commit a crime, as well as for early detection of potential perpetrators, timely identification and response to bioterrorist incidents. Finally, he pointed out the advantages and importance of broad inter-agency and international cooperation, as well as the advantages of planning and exchanging information when it comes to weapons of mass destruction.

“The “International Joint Bio-terrorism Investigations Course” gathered more than 25 participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania and Turkey. The audience included public health and law enforcement officials who are involved in bioterrorism response employed by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Agriculture, National Police, Prosecutor’s Office, security agencies, or other relevant agencies.

The Course participants had the opportunity to hear about and understand the role and responsibilities of law enforcement and public health officers as they jointly investigate a bioterrorism incident, as well as the benefits and challenges of conducting a joint investigation. Thank you DTRA for your cooperation and we look forward to another joint activity.



*This Designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence. (In accordance with Arrangements regarding regional representation and cooperation.)

