The “Integrated Border Management Course” kicked off today in RACVIAC. It will last until 10 June 2022. The subject Course is a direct result of cooperation between the Hellenic Multinational Peace Support Operations Training Center (MPSOTC) and RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation. The Course will shed light on the role of the Integrated Border Management concept, both in EU-MSs and OSCE member states. Through the risk analysis process in a continuously changing environment, which is governed by the mass movement of populations and asymmetric threats, the roles and responsibilities of the agencies dealing with border management will be analysed.
MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, Director of RACVIAC, opened the Course and expressed his appreciation to the Hellenic MPSOTC for their support in organizing this event and bringing lecturers from OSCE, FRONTEX and Hellenic Police to RACVIAC. “Efficient border and immigration management policies and structures, supported by professional and well trained immigration and border officers, foster the smooth movement management at borders and prevent irregular migration, but also enable to detect smuggled migrants and trafficked persons with the ultimate objective of dismantling organized crime networks and protecting the rights of these vulnerable persons.“, he stated.
The Course Leader is MAJ Dimitris Manolopoulous from the Hellenic MPSOTC and the Course is going to be executed in accordance with the MPSOTC certified Programme, consisting of lectures, discussions, syndicate work and individual case studies through which the participants will obtain a holistic view regarding the level of integration in each country and in the EU.
The Course gathers more than 20 professionals from the region (coming from the military, police and civilian sector) who are responsible for dealing with border management in their respective countries. This will be an opportunity for participants to master practical skills of importance in integrated border management and to become aware of the risks and threats that border management poses as a consequence of the integration process.