The Course will comprise two modules, “Security from Hybrid Threats” and “Media and Terrorism” and it will be conducted from 3rd to 6th April 2023 on RACVIAC premises. It is a direct result of cooperation between the Hellenic Multinational Peace Support Operations Training Center (MPSOTC) and RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation.
It will shed light on the hybrid threats that may be faced in the area of South-Eastern Europe with an emphasis on the role of traditional and social media both as a terrorists’ tool as well as a means to combat radicalisation and terrorism.
The aim is to create awareness among military/law-enforcement Officers, civil servants and security analysts of states, organisations, relevant agencies and RACVIAC Members about what actually a hybrid threat is, and the types of hybrid threats that can be faced in South-Eastern Europe.
In particular, the first module will analyse the nature and types of hybrid threats. The second module will analyse these threats in relation to terrorism and will present how terrorist organizations use established media, social media and communication techniques to increase public awareness of their ideological goals, promote their objectives and recruit new members. In addition, it will discuss measures and potential practices and counter-measures that can be developed. Also, through case studies, the participants will obtain a holistic view regarding the issue and its consequences for democratic societies.
Through general orientation, within the Course theory and practice, the students will receive inputs on:
– Hybrid Threats on the threshold of war
– Misinformation and disinformation
– (EU) Societal Resilience and OSCE tools in building resilience
– International Information and Media Environment
– Strategic Communication
– Terrorism (Aims, Objectives, Radicalisation and Terrorist Recruitment)
– Use of Traditional Media, Social Media and Cyber space by terrorist groups.
The Course was opened by RACVIAC Director, MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, H.E. Antonia Karoutzou, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the Republic of Croatia and COL Thomas Gavranopoulos, Commander of MPSOTC.
Bazo expressed his gratitude to RACVIAC partners in this activity, the Greek MPSOTC. “We have managed to prepare a very comprehensive event in close cooperation with them. Furthermore, I would like to thank all experts and participants who are taking part in it, as it is dedicated to an important and challenging subject matter, and I wish you, therefore, a very fruitful and productive Course. Your active participation and contribution are awaited with great interest”, he concluded.
H.E. Antonia Karoutzou said that Greece has been supporting RACVIAC because they see RACVIAC as a very important regionally owned organization which promotes synergy, better understanding and cooperation in SEE. She said that she was particularly proud that this course is organized together with the Hellenic MPSOTC which provides trainings recognized by NATO, UN and EU. “I’m very proud that they are here today” she added.
COL Thomas Gavranopoulos thanked RACVIAC for the invitation, cooperation with MTSOTC and hospitality.
The Course is attended by more than 40 participants and experts/lecturers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine and RACVIAC.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence. (In accordance with Arrangements regarding regional representation and cooperation.)