Upon the invitation of H.E. Ambassador Constantin – Mihail Grigorie, H.E. Mr. Fabien Fieschi, Ambassador of the French Republic to the Republic of Croatia, paid a visit to RACVIAC on Wednesday, November 29, 2023.
The meeting, which took place on RACVIAC premises, is poised to be a pivotal moment in fostering mutual cooperation and understanding. Ambassador Fieschi was joined by Colonel Amar Ouali, French Defence Attaché.
The primary agenda of the meeting included a presentation of RACVIAC history, Programme 2024, past cooperation with France and areas of possible future cooperation after which exploring ways to improve cooperation between RACVIAC and France were discussed.
RACVIAC Director, Ambassador Grigorie, expressed his appreciation for the visit and highlighted the importance of Franco-RACVIAC cooperation in promoting regional security and stability. France has been a RACVIAC Associate Member since its inception and over the years its financial contribution to the Centre has been substantial and for that it is extremely grateful. Furthermore, France also seconded staff to RACVIAC, and they are occasional participants in RACVIAC activities.
Ambassador Grigorie seized the opportunity to bring to Ambassador Fieschi’s attention the importance of France’s backing up and participation in security dialogue and cooperation in South East Europe. This may involve contributing personnel to RACVIAC permanent staff, making a financial contribution to the RACVIAC Budget’s Programme section, or supplying experts for its initiatives, he added.
Ambassador Fieschi brought a wealth of experience and expertise to the table and his presence underscores the commitment of his government to constructive dialogue and cooperation. He thanked Ambassador Grigorie for inviting him to RACVIAC premises and he showed special interest in activities under the RACVIAC Countering Transnational Security Threats Pillar such as security cooperation, natural disasters, transnational threats and cyber security.
LTC Ouali also pointed out that after his last visit to RACVIAC in May of this year he contacted the relevant departments within the Ministry of Defense of France and received positive feedback related to increasing cooperation with RACVIAC. The result of this efforts was seen during the last few RACVIAC activities, such as the “Arms Control Symposium”, in which several French participants took part.
Both parties conveyed their commitment to enhance cooperation through collaborative initiatives, the sharing of knowledge, and the implementation of exchange programs in areas and subjects of common interest.