The 17th generation of the Croatian Defence Academy Defence Diplomacy Course, accompanied by the course leaders, CAPT François Buj and LTC Tihana Kunak Koršić, paid a visit to the Centre for Security Cooperation on Thursday, May 9, 2024.
H.E. Ambassador Constantin-Mihail Grigorie, Director of RACVIAC, warmly greeted the Course participants and congratulated them for paying a visit to RACVIAC. The personnel of RACVIAC used the opportunity to introduce themselves and presented Pillars core business.
After presenting the Centre’s history, mission, vision, achievements to date, annual Programme from 2024 and projections for 2025 RACVIAC staff members provided further details about how the Centre’s Programme of activities has been developed, highlighting how it has changed and evolved over time to better meet the needs and requests of the Members.
Additionally, it was stressed how the Centre’s operations provide a great forum for networking and fostering a sense of security and trust among the SEE region’s nations. In the ensuing conversation inquiries about RACVIAC Members and the Centre’s future outlook were brought up.
As he recorded his thoughts in the RACVIAC guestbook CAPT Buj complimented the fruitful discussion with RACVIAC staff and Course attendees and he praised openness with which all inquiries about the Centre were answered.
Ambassador Grigorie thanked for the visit and expressed hope that the information gained today and the opportunity for open discussion with RACVIAC staff will be useful for the successful completion of the course.