Closing of C-WMD Network Conference Explores the Impact of Hybrid Conflict on Regional WMD Proliferation

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  • Closing of C-WMD Network Conference Explores the Impact of Hybrid Conflict on Regional WMD Proliferation

The C-WMD Network Conference, a premier gathering of experts and thinkers in the field of Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD), concluded its latest event, which focused on the impact of hybrid conflict on regional WMD proliferation. The Conference took place from 26 to 28 September in RACVIAC and featured a series of presentations, case studies, TTX and discussions that shed light on the complex challenges posed by hybrid conflict in the context of WMD proliferation.

The event brought together a diverse group of participants, including government officials, military experts, members of academia and industry leaders, fostering meaningful dialogues and knowledge-sharing. Over the course of 3 days the attendees explored critical topics related to hybrid conflict, regional security, and proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The key highlights of the Conference included:

  1. Gathering recent and relevant information regarding hybrid threats and their impact on WMDs proliferation
  2. Discussion about the development of four C-WMD Phase 2 Projects
  3. Providing updates on the current state of affairs regarding the C-WMD Strategies and supporting Action Plans.

The C-WMD Network Conference provided a valuable platform for participants to collaborate, exchange ideas, and develop innovative solutions to address the evolving challenges in the C-WMD domain.

H.E. Ambassador Constantin Mihail-Grigorie, RACVIAC Director, expressed appreciation for the active participation of attendees, saying: “This region is often subject to various influences. We hold the belief that many of these can be effectively tackled through a unified approach, hence, we can be satisfied that we’ve managed to gather here in a number which is not negligible so that we can continue our efforts in fostering cooperation and building trust together. In this sense, I also believe that the four projects of the C-WMD Network will continue to drive our cooperation in the counter proliferation field.”

The C-WMD Network extends its gratitude to all speakers and attendees who have contributed to the success of this event.

The C-WMD Network is a project initiated by the Republic of Croatia and USA and launched in 2015 with the initial aim of facilitating the development of national C-WMD counter-proliferation strategies and management of response plans of the SEE countries with the support of US-EUCOM, US Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), International Counterproliferation Programme (ICP), Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), and Republic of Croatia. It brings together experts and stakeholders from various fields to address the challenges related to Weapons of Mass Destruction and their proliferation.

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