“C-WMD Phase 2 Projects” Conference kicks off in Split

The C-WMD Network in RACVIAC is organising from 27-29 September 2022 in Split the annual Executive Meeting with the aim to provide facilitated discussion between C-WMD participants on four C-WMD projects, namely: Regional C-WMD Risk Atlas, Dual Use and Emerging Technologies Outreach Initiative, Trend Analysis Conference and Synthetic Biology Security Project. The C-WMD Network welcomes the continuous support from US European Command (USEUCOM), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as well as the Republic of Croatia.

The Conference in Split is a regular annual meeting of country representatives where further development of this Network is being discussed, primarily through a series of small projects to improve cooperation in the fight against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The event will be conducted through the Phase 2 projects, roadmap presentations, partners’ perspectives, case studies and discussions.

During the Opening of the Conference RACVIAC Director, MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, expressed his gratitude and a warm welcome to representatives of  DTRA: “You have been an important and reliable partner to RACVIAC in our mutual endeavours in strengthening regional cooperation and dialogue in this regionally but also globally important action area”, he said.

He also pointed out to and expressed thanks for the support from RACVIAC partners from the US European Command and paid tribute to the European Space Agency for their continuous support, especially in the development of the regional Risk Atlas project.

“I also extend my appreciation to the Republic of Croatia and commodore Damir Dojkić, deputy commander of the Croatian Navy.  Republic of Croatia has provided support in creating the Network by providing dedicated personnel to the Network as well as by offering their own National C-WMD Strategy as an example. Dear commodore, thank you for welcoming us in the wonderful city of Split” he concluded.

Commodore Dojkić addressed the audience and greeted the participants on behalf of the commander of the Croatian Navy and wished everybody a warm welcome in Split. He also stressed the good cooperation that Croatian navy has with US EUCOM.

LTC Chris Kuszniaj (US EUCOM) welcomed the audience and he emphasized that since he has just assumed his new role in this capacity, he is looking forward to working with everybody in the future and to a good dialogue in the next couple of days.

The DTRA representative, LTC Ryan Quinn, sees RACVIAC as a unique platform for addressing the security issues in the region: “We are here for the long haul but the security of the region rests in your hands, and we will stand alongside you in this endeavor”, he stressed.

Ten countries are participating in this project (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia). The purpose of the Network is to create a realistic platform focused on regional cooperation and on bringing all regional partners to a common level of understanding of risks at the global and regional level and identifying the measures that would be necessary to solve these risks, and in the sphere of suppressing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.


*This Designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence. (In accordance with Arrangements regarding regional representation and cooperation.)