From 26 to 28 September 2023 RACVIAC C-WMD Network is organizing the annual Executive Meeting with the aim to provide facilitated discussions and presentations on Hybrid conflicts and their impact on the proliferation of the WMDs in SEE. This event will provide an opportunity to discuss the ongoing developments within the four Phase 2 projects, as well as to reflect on Phase 1 National C-WMD Strategies and Action Plans.
The C-WMD Network welcomes the continuous support from US European Command (USEUCOM), US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as well as the Republic of Croatia.
The event started on 26 September 2023 with Opening remarks by H.E. Ambassador Constantin Mihail-Grigorie, RACVIAC Director, and Lt Col Ryan Quinn, Division Director, U.S. DTRA.
Lt Col Ryan Quinn introduced his successor, who will take over in December and pointed out that it has been a real honour for him to take part in RACVIAC to see the growth from the point of finishing with Phase 1 and starting with Phase 2 and to see the accomplishments that all have made. He added that he looks forward to hearing about all of the achievements that will be made in the future and seeing how RACVIAC develops.
During his Opening speech Ambassador Grigorie welcomed the representatives of DTRA and USEUCOM that have played a crucial and dependable role as a partner to RACVIAC in the joint efforts to enhance regional cooperation and foster meaningful dialogue. “The C-WMD Network and its accomplishments wouldn’t have been possible without your unwavering support, hence, on this occasion, I would like to express my gratitude for all that has been done during the previous years and will be done in the future. Thank you.”, he continued.
At the end of his Opening remarks he also added that we are happy to have such an impressive number of national experts at RACVIAC so he thanked their countries for sending them.
This three-day event will focus on facilitated discussions, presentations and TTX which will focus on hybrid threats emerging from the war in Ukraine which range from the types of material – actual and potential – that is likely to be proliferated, to concerns regarding the spillage of hazardous materials out of regulatory control and into organized criminal markets. As the countries continue to develop the projects, namely the Regional C-WMD Risk Atlas, Dual Use and Emerging Technologies Outreach Initiative, Trend Analysis Conference and Synthetic Biology Security Project in line with last year’s stated work plans, this year’s conference will be an appropriate occasion for reflection and adaptation in light of these new operational circumstances.
The activity has gathered more than 40 participants and lecturers from 11 countries.