Bilateral Meetings held on the occasion of Conventional Ammunition Management Seminar

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  • Bilateral Meetings held on the occasion of Conventional Ammunition Management Seminar

Ambassador Constatin-Mihail Grigorie, RACVIAC Director, on the occasion of the Conventional Ammunition Management Seminar ‘Developments in Conventional Ammunition Management: What is New in Policy and Practice?’, conducted 3 courtesy meetings.

Col Stefan Gundlach, who is the recently appointed Head of the working group for the containment of proliferation of Small arms and light weapons SALW/Conventional Ammunition (CA) of the Bundeswehr Verification Center (BWVC), was a participant of the Seminar.

RACVIAC Director expressed his appreciation for the ongoing support (both financial and in-kind) of Germany. He stated that RACVIAC is open to cooperation with BWVC regarding the SALW-related workshop that RACVIAC is planning to organize next year.

During the meeting with Ms Tamara Svirčev (UNDP SEESAC, Project Analyst – SALW Control), RACVIAC Director expressed his gratitude to the South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC) for supporting the Conventional Ammunition Management Seminar with 1 speaker in-person, and 2 online.

RACVIAC highly appreciates SEESAC’s efforts to control and reduce the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons, facilitate regional cooperation and thus contribute to enhanced stability, security and development in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe.

He emphasized that RACVIAC would like to strenghten the cooperation with SEESAC in the future.

Ambassador Grigorie met also with Ms Nora Allgaier (UN Office for Disarmament Affairs, Political Affairs Officer) and Ms Jovana Čarapić (Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining’s (GICHD) Ammunition Management Advisory Team (AMAT), Programme Manager), the coorganizers of the Seminar.

RACVIAC Director expressed his deep appreciation for their support and their excellent job in the preparatory phase and during the Seminar as well. He indicated that RACVIAC would like to continue with this fruitful cooperation in the framework of a workshop on Small Arms and Light Weapons, which is planned to be organized in 2024.