Ambassador of Greece visited RACVIAC

The Ambassador of Greece, H.E. Ms Antonia Katzourou, accompanied by Ms Eleni Triantafyllou, First Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, visited RACVIAC on November 15, 2022.

Their hosts were Director of RACVIAC MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, Deputy Director MG Slaven Zdilar and  COL Dimitrios Biris, Programme Manager in RACVIAC Security Sector Governance Pillar who welcomed her on her first visit to RACVIAC. The Ambassador was interested in being informed about RACVIAC Programme of activities and work in general.

The hosts warmly welcomed her and provided a brief glimpse of various projects and topics RACVIAC is involved in. Cooperation with many governmental and non-governmental Greek organizations was also mentioned.