Visit of Swiss Defence Attaché

It was a great pleasure to have Colonel Urs Sulser, the Swiss Defence Attaché to the Republic of Croatia, visit RACVIAC on 23rd March 2021. RACVIAC Director MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo and Deputy Director MG Slaven Zdilar welcomed the distinguished guest. During the meeting, several questions related to RACVIAC Programme of activities and some ongoing and future projects were discussed.

The work of RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation and its Programme 2021 was presented to Col Sulser and the two parties exchanged some ideas for future cooperation. MG (ret.) Bazo also took the opportunity to express his appreciation for the cooperation through International Organizations that are located in Geneva; GICHD – Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian De-mining and DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance.

Col Sulser and Director Bazo agreed on their readiness to intensify mutual cooperation in the future. Col Sulser thanked for the hospitality and offered his willingness to collaborate on future projects.